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Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre
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Past Events
Past Conferences
Protest Art in the New Autocracy
Russia: Courtly Gifts and Cultural Diplomacy
The People’s Art School and Unovis in Vitebsk, International Conference
Art Born in the Revolution: Russian Art and the State 1917-1932
Translations and Dialogues: The Reception of Russian Art Abroad
Photos from Venice
The Role of Printed Media in Forming National Identity in Russia and Britain
Photos from Yaroslavl
Russia & the Arts International Conference
Sergei Eisenstein: His Legacy in Film, Psychology and the Visual Arts
Stravinsky’s Fox: Folk, Myth & Ritual in the Russian Silver Age
Art, Craft & the Fin-de-Siècle: Britain and Russia Part II – The End of Empire: Women Artists in Britain and Russia, 1880-1917
Art, Craft & the Fin-de-Siècle: Britain and Russia Part I: From Firebird to Fabergé: British-Russian Artistic Exchange, 1880-1917
‘A Game in Hell’: The Great War in Russia
6th International Congress of the Towns and Cities of Peter the Great ‘Russia-UK: Five Centuries of Cultural Relations’
Photos from the Congress
EXHIBIT ‘A’. Russian Art: Collections, Exhibitions and Archives
Photos from the conference and related visits in London and Cambridge
Cultural Exchange: Russia and the West II
Walpole’s Treasures and the Russian Arts
Joint Conference with Moscow Lomonosov State University (MGU)
Utopia III: Contemporary Russian Art and the Ruins of Utopia
Russian Culture in Exile, 1921-1953
Design without Frontiers: Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration in Soviet Art, Architecture and Design
On the Spiritual in Russian Art
Utopia II: Russian Art and Culture, 1930-1989
Utopia I: Russian Art and Culture, 1900-1930
CCRAC Participants at International Conferences and Events
Film Screenings
Revolution: New Art for a New World
The Gospel Circle of Vassily Polenov
Screening of Hermitage Revealed
Jack of Diamonds Disputes
Past Symposia
Slade Lectures in Fine Art 2015: John E. Bowlt
Ukrainian Art Now: Spaces of Identity
Selling the Samovar
Past Exhibitions
Revolution: Russian Art 1917–1932
Russia and the Arts: The Age of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky
A Russian Fairy Tale: The Art and Craft of Elena Polenova
Jack of Diamonds – Special display of Russian avant-garde art at The Courtauld Gallery
Paper Museums: Moscow Conceptualism in Transit
Past Seminars
V&A/CCRAC Russian Decorative Arts Seminar: The Mosaics of Boris Anrep and the Byzantine Revival in Russian Art
Russian Arts and Crafts and Enamels
DAP and Russian Art Now
Dmitry Prigov Lecture Series
Moscow as a Space in Transition
Ethnographic Conceptualism: Performing Methodological Experiments
Presenters at CCRAC Events
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